Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Well Fuck..

Guess who's phones (home and mobile) have had call barring put on them? Yeah. Me. I guess maybe I should pay my bills more often or something, I dunno. But right now, all I can do is accept calls, I can't make any. I can't send sms's either. Bah. Oh and, I can't retrieve email either at the moment coz they've also disabled my email.

How the hell am I still online though? I have no idea. I'm too fucking scared to turn off my computer JUST INCASE they disconnect me from the world entirely!

So everyone decides that today is the day they're going to sms me. Fuck. I can't reply. Damn and botherations. Maybe my friends are clever and they'll ring me to find out why I haven't replied.

Then again, these are MY friends we're talking about - they're so used to me forgetting to reply to messages until about four weeks later that my lack of communication probably won't even cause a blip on the radar. Damnit.

You know what sucks the most though? I can't call out, but I can receive calls. This is okay I guess, coz it means that I'm not completely cut off from the world. The first phonecall I receive though, after discovering my phones have both been actively barred was some indian guy giving me cheek and trying to sell me shit on the phone.

For FUCKS SAKE. Fuck off. Lets call him Pappadam:

Pappadam: Hello? Is this the lady of the house?
me: Who is this?
Pappadam: Is this the lady of the house?
me: What do you want?
Pappadam: I'd like to speak to the lady of the house?
me: What. Do. You. Want?
Pappadam: Oh ma'am I'm not selling anything.. but I can offer you a way to save 50% on your tax
me: Not interested. Bye. *click*

Why can't I get the magic "we're just ringing to let you know that 10 years ago you bought a tattslotto ticket and never claimed your winnings. Now, being that you won first division, and the amount of interest accumulated over the past 10 years, where would you like us to send your Eleventy Billion Dollar cheque to? oh and it's all tax free and non taxable, just incase you were wondering."


Amanda said...

You gonna share that Eleventy Billion cause it IS like Eleventy Billion dollars and you couldn't possibly spend Eleventy Billion dollars in your lifetime... Could you? You could? Ok then. I'll just go sit over here ans sulk. :P

muppet said...

i'll do up all the baby stuff for you with my eleventy billion dollars but i must buy godmother status first :D