Tuesday, December 05, 2006


It's taken me a few days to think about this and about how I want to post. If I'd posted on friday (the 1st) it would've been an angry, I hate the world, emoblog, so I decided to wait, cool down, and think (for once) about what I want to post, rather than just jump in head first.

I went to work as usual, but I knew something was up. I just didn't want to be there and I was sullen and withdrawn, which is unusual for me. Moreso that even Gin noticed it.

I got to the end of my shift, and my HR manager and Admin manager come in and ask me upstairs for a chat. Oh fuck, what the hell have I done wrong?

Apparently, nothing, but after being told that I've done nothing wrong, I get told that I no longer have a job. My job no longer exists, thanks to the introduction of computers out on the stand and not just in the office "Sorry Tan, we've tried to find somewhere for you to go, but there's nowhere for us to put you"

Yeah, they found somewhere for me to go, straight to the unemployment office. Fuckers.

So after a few minutes I ask how long I have left. Termination was there, on the spot. No notice, nothing. Not even two weeks notice so I could organise myself to find a new job or something. Oh well.

I was devastated, seriously. I might bitch and moan about my job, but I really did enjoy it. There were some people there who made going to work a wonderful experience for me, and I wonder if I'll find the same sort of dynamic at my next job. I probably won't, but at least I won't have to put up with that cow, the Owner's niece.

So I clocked off, and then as an officially not part of the job anymore type of person, I told them EXACTLY what I thought of her. Simply put, I described her as "a bitch troll from hell" and told the HR manager "you can keep her". I'd bitten my tongue for near on 19 months, and if they weren't going to do anything about it while I was there, the most they could do was listen to what I had to say and maybe do something about it. Gin's going to cop all of her shit now, and it's unfair. If she were to call me today (the niece, not Gin) I'd tell her exactly what I thought of her, and wouldn't mince my words. What's she gonna do? Get me fired? Oh.. wait..

So I had my cry, but I've been through this before. It's the life of a temp you see. You go in to work one day, and that very same day, you can be told to go home and not come back. It's nothing personal, it's just how the job goes.

I was on the phone to my agency before I'd even left the market. I'm not stupid, I know I need work.

Anyway, fast forward a few days to yesterday (monday). I'm all prepared to go for an impromptu interview at my cousin's work. All I had to do was take in my resume, and have a quick chat with the boss, and hopefully he'd like me enough that he'd want to read through my resume.

8:30am comes, I'm trying to access my resume. WTF? It fucking disappeared. I check the hard drive, it's not fucking there. HOW THE FUCK DOES A RESUME DISAPPEAR? Well it did. The puter didn't like the floppy, the resume went bye bye, I shit a brick. So I went to mum's to see if maybe it was my floppy drive, but nup, it wasn't. Mum's great advice "Just go and tell him that you don't have a resume" well fuck. That's gonna look good, but hey, I'm desperate, so I'll try anything.

I get to my cousin's work, and the boss (I didn't know it was the boss, did i?) answers the door. I explained why I was there, and who I was there to see, and he asked if I had a resume with me because the boss is a stickler for things like that. I was like "oh crap, no I don't. I had computer dramas this morning, but I thought I'd come and see if there was anything available anyway..." That's when he told me that he was the boss.

I could've died.

So, I said a quick hello to my cousin, and got my ass out of there and back home. I wrote up my resume in 20 minutes, copied it to a new blank floppy, and burnt it onto CD just to be on the safe side. Then the cd got stuck in my PC. reboot reboot ahhhhhhhh.. Oh shit, wait, my printer doesn't work, how the hell am I gonna print this thing off? So off I drive to the nearest employment agency and ask them very politely to print off my resume.

During this time, I find out that Jay has the most recent copy of my resume on her computer, only, she's at work isn't she? aaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhh. It figures lol. I have it now, safe and sound on my pc, but omg the dramas!

I go back to Retravision (which is where my cousin's work is) and hand my resume over to the boss "Here's my resume, I'm sorry about this morning, I looked like a total tool" and he laughed and said he'd get back to me. We had a quick chat, about what I can do and stuff. Who knows what's gonna happen.

So now the waiting game begins. I'm looking for work every day, but really, I just want my old job back. The pay was shit, the hours were shit, some of the people were shit, but I enjoyed it.

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