The past few weeks have been hectic, but not. Go figure. B was at her nan's place for the first two weeks of the year, and now she's home and EvilMe is pretty much living here while he's on annual leave. I've been filling my days with looking for work and going to job interviews, and whilst all the agencies are like "OMFG YOU ARE SUPERTYPINGLADY! WE WANT YOU WE WANTYOUUUUUUUUUUU" they don't have work for me. I know I have a job coming up mid feb, but I NEED MONEY NOW not next month (well, I'll need it then too, but I need it right now also!)
Just for sahm coz she loves knowing how fast I type (this was from two days ago):
Numeric: 11004 ks/per hour
Alpha: 85wpm gross, 81wpm net (24584ks/per hour) (3 errors)
Alpha Numeric: 14580ks/ph
As you can see, I slow down lots whenever there's numbers. Yes, I get brag rights, but I'm also really proud of those numbers. Why? Because when I first started doing data entry 10 years ago (omfg! how many letters and numbers have I pushed in all of those years? I wonder hmmm..) I could only type a measly 24wpm.
I thank the internet for my OMG SUPER TYPING SPEEDS!
Oh and, considering I haven't used Excel or Word for anything other than pissfarting around at home, oh and the fact that I've never been taught how to use the programs either, I scored 80% on my "do you know how to use word?" test, and 66% on my "excel is a fucking bitch of a program, so lets test you on it" test.
I am teh awesomes but where the fuck are the job offers? Grr!
You know what's hilarious though? If they could see the way that I type online, and the shit that makes no sense coming out of my fingers and onto the keyboard and into your IM windows, they'd never give me a job. It seems like my brain forgets what punctuation, spelling and grammar are all about! The typos made are hilarious and sometimes you need a code to decipher exactly wtf I'm talking about.
1 comment:
That's some goood typing:D
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