Bah, this is me we're talking about. Everything always goes wrong.
What should've just been a 5 minute trip up to the shops and back turned into a 1/2 an hour drama. I got there perfectly fine, got my smokes and headed home. I could've walked but hey, I'm lazy.
So anyway, I turn into my estate, and as I'm coming off the roundabout, a postie zips out infront of me and BOING bounces off my bonnet. You know how they say it happens in a blink of an eye? I don't even think I had a chance to blink. Hit the brakes, bouncey bounce, off goes mr postman.
Usually, I tear around that corner because my estate is quiet and generally (unless it's during school hours or something) there's never anyone on the roads. Well, when I say that, I'm doing at least 25km/h around the corner and I get up to 40 by the time I'm at the point where I hit the postie guy today (probably about 10-15 metres from the roundabout, I dunno). Today though, I turned into the estate at a nice, sedate 5km/h and for some reason kept travelling at that speed. Seriously, he is so fucking lucky that I did. I know that I stopped in time to not hit him, but he wasn't looking as he came out onto the road from the footpath and drove directly into my passenger side bumper bar. Boing! he goes off the bonnet and lands on his ass infront of my car.
I totally freaked out. I think I jumped out of the car before I even took off my seat belt, that's how fast I was out of it, and as I rounded the front of the car he was walking towards me and the first words out of his mouth were "Shit lady, I'm sorry.. are you all right?"
No, I'm not alright! I think I shit enough bricks in that 2 seconds to build me a nice spacious house. I said something like "Never mind me, are you okay?" which he answered that he was, and he picked up his bike. The builders across the road had seen the whole thing and came over to see if everything was okay too and one of them said to the postie "We yelled out to you to stop, but you didn't hear us!"
So thankfully, he's okay, so's his bike, and so's my car. I gave him my name and phone number just incase he needed it later to file a report with work or something, who knows.. and we both got the builder's names and numbers too as witnesses to the whole incident.
I also got his number, so I might ring him in a couple of days just to see how he's doing. I know, really, that it wasn't my fault that it happened, but I still feel awful for it.
At least, now, I think he might actually look both ways before crossing the road!
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