and this is coming from me, who doesn't EVER feel the cold

I turned them on, and I heard a whirrrrrr and a creak, but no dice, the blades were stuck. Yes, I know that if I poured cold water etc etc it would've helped.. but you know me, I'm more likely to lick the windscreen to see if my tongue really WILL stick to the ice, than to think that I should be doing something smart like, melting the ice for instance..
That's the view from inside my car - you can just make out the shape of my porch thingy whatever the hell it's called... You know.. the bit that overhangs the front door and has a step under it? That's a porch yeah?

Either way.. That's the view from inside.. and now for the view from outside.. see all that shavingy type stuff?? THAT'S ICE.
MOTHERFUCKIN' ICE ON MY MOTHERFUCKIN' WINDSCREEN! I'm sorry, I was just having a Samuel L Jackson moment. I'm calm now.

Also, I have a question.

You know how you park your car in carparks yeah, and they have little signs near the elevator doors saying what floor your on... right?
Why do they have the level names/numbers in braille?
Seriously, what blind person would find themselves inside a multi level carpark? I mean, unless they're teaching seeing eye dogs to drive nowadays, I seriously don't see the point behind braille in carparks. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad thing, I just. don't. Fucking. Get. IT!
Oh hey, I found my sig's AND my smileys!

Okay I'll shut up now. Put your rotten fruit away, there's nothing to see here! *runs*
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