Saturday, November 22, 2008

boredom + muppet = oh crap

Jay got it right when she said I need a new job, and quickly! Boredom consumes me at the moment, and it sucks butts thru a king kong sized straw!

If you know me, you know when I get bored, I become destructive, I get frustrated with the way things are and want to change them. Sometimes that destruction ends up something creative. This is what's happened this weekend pretty much.

I woke up on friday morning and decided that I wanted my dining table to look different. So I took my ass off to Men's Church (Bunnings) and dragged LaLa along with me for the ride. Actually, she drove, I went for the ride, but you get my point, don't be pedantic (coz I know if LaLa reads this, she's going to point out that she's the one who was driving so IN FIRST NER) lol.

Anyhoo, once LaLa's visit ended, and she headed off for home, I went spaz at the table with the sandpaper, got B ready to go to her dads, took her to her dad's then came home and continued with the sandpaper. Once I was happy with the sandpapered table (ie: there was no more shiny stuff left) I wiped the table down a billion times to remove all of the dust (did you know that sanding = dust? far out) and then put down my first coat of primer.

This is when the reality of what I was doing hit me and I went "ohfuckwtfamidoinhere?" and had a bit of a panic attack - I've never painted a table before, how the hell am I gonna make this work? What if I screw it up? WHAT IF JANE FINDS OUT? SHE BOUGHT THE TABLE FOR ME SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME IF I BREAK IT!!!!!!! *dies*

Anyway, I got over it, I figured if I fucked it up, it was just a matter of ringing my darling father and saying "Daddy, come fix table plskthxbai!!" The worst thing I figured I could've done would've been to sand a hole in the table or something.. I dunno. Paint doesn't scare me, it's easy to remove.. holes in tables on the other hand.. wow. Anyway, I digress..

I did the first coat of primer, freaked out, used a whole sample pot (haha i'm a tightass i bought sample pots coz it's cheaper than buying tins.. but they're perfect for this job, the right amount of paint) i stepped back to admire my handiwork, slapped my forehead and went "oh crap".. it looked hideous. Argh!

I thought, at that point, that maybe I should give up before I totally screw up, but you know me, I persist. I decided to pack it in for the night and start up again the next morning.

So I wake up this morning, do some housework, and wait for my brother and his girlfriend to come over. We had a chat, and the whole time, I was itching to get back to my table. I had ideas of what I wanted done thru the night, and how I want the table to look. AS SOON as they walked out the door, BAM I was at the paint and the roller and getting the 2nd coat on. It only takes about 10-15 minutes to paint the table so I figured, I'll do the 2nd coat, get started on my other brother's birthday cake, and once that was popped into the oven, the 2nd coat should've dried so I could do the 3rd. I have to do 3 coats. I don't know why this is, but I HAVE TO DO 3 coats. Is this normal? I dunno.

I got all that done and then decided that was it, let it dry and get some more housework done.. blah blah boring mum stuff.. blah blah.. housework clean woohoo.. ooh cakes are cooked HOLY CRAP this cake is gonna be huge.. blah blah whatever.. you get the idea (the cake pics will come in time, relax, just right now, I'm focusing on my table!)

I've now, at this very moment, painted 3 coats of undercoat.. hey, if an undercoat goes ontop of another undercoat, does that make it an overundercoat? and what about the 3rd layer? does that make it an overoverundercoat? I dunno.. So there's 3 coats of the primer/undercoat, and I've just finished doing the 2nd coat of the color (British Paints .. sure can!)

If you want to see the work in progress, the pics are here. I'll be working on the table some more tomorrow, so there'll be more pics to add obviously :D

Oh and cake pics too.. there WILL be cake pics. But that's a whole different blog :D


Anonymous said...

Dude your so slack!!! im bored entertain me with ur crazy life lol :P

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