My daughter will be at her father's this year, which isn't all that bad, at least, it wouldn't be if I could reason with him and try and organize some timeshare. That probably won't happen though. I hate talking to him as it is, and even just to ask him something as simple as "Hey, you think that we could share B for christmas this year?" will be too much to fucking ask. He didn't bat an eye at having her over mother's day remember? And asking him to get her to call me (I had to ask him, coz there was no way he would've suggested her calling me) was a big drama. Oh and, I didn't even get a phone call on my birthday - wow, why am I NOT fucking surprised?
So I have a cry, coz she's not with me. But I take solace in knowing that I can spend time with the rest of my family. Right? Wrong.
This year, they've all fucking decided that they want to go to Swan Hill to celebrate christmas up at my sister-in-law's mother's place. For FUCKS SAKE. They know that I have an aversion to travelling, especially if it means I can't come home at night. Yeah it sounds like I'm being a sooky little princess, but I really REALLY fucking hate not being home. I still feel strange sleeping at EvilMe's house, and that's only 20 minutes from here.
Now, close your eyes, and picture this - (oh wait, you can't read what I'm typing if you do.. open your eyes.. OPEN THEM DAMNIT! There, that's better) So, picture me, my two brothers, my parents, sister-in-law, her mum and brother, all cramped into a tiny little 3 bedroom unit. At christmastime. In the heat. With no airconditioning. After a long fucking drive from shitty St Albans to sunny Swan Hill.
I love spending time with my family, especially when I know I can get away from them at the end of the day. But anyone that knows me, and knows my family, knows that this is a very fucking bad idea. Christmas always ends up with someone arguing over something stupid - and THEY WANT TO DRIVE ME THERE. Which means, I have no way to escape them if there is an argument, and like I said, there usually is, and it usually always involves me and some member of my family.
Not that I'm argumentative or anything.. much.
But fucking hell. I gave a flat out "No. I'm not coming to Swan Hill for Christmas" just before, and I got made out to be the most fucking awful person in the world. I want to be with my family, close to home, where I should be, JUST IN CASE B's dad decides that maybe, JUST MAYBE, he might send her home early and I get to have her on Christmas Day.
All I need now is for EvilMe to say that he's working/going somewhere/doing something else for christmas, and my point of "Christmas fucking sucks asses thru a straw three times a day and I don't give a fuck what you say" will be proven, and anyone that DARES to say otherwise will likely suffer extreme looks of "I would gladly kill you right now if I knew that I could get away with it" and feel the wrath of my extreme christmas hatred aimed in their general direction.
Bah. Fucking. Humbug.
1 comment:
meh, you are looking at this all wrong ... more chrisco goodies for you !
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