This is the message he sent me AFTER I'd already apologised (yeah, I had to apologise) for bringing his daughter earlier than usual
Consider yourself lucky i got home when i did, i'm infact early. Next time 7pm.
my reply -
I would have taken her to Albert Park if you hadn't shown up. Don't speak to me like I'm a child or issue orders and commands, I don't appreciate it. A simple "You brought her too early, please bring her closer to 7pm" would suffice. I've already apologized, would you like me to take out a full page apology in the Herald Sun next time?
Consider myself LUCKY? Ahh get fucked. No, seriously, who the hell does he think he is sending me stupid messages like that? Everyone else says that he should be grateful that I even go to his place to drop her off. Lots of people wouldn't. I'm so sick of the constant bitching every time I drop her off. There's always some stupid narky message to be sent WHILST I'M DRIVING mind you, just to piss me off.
I'm sorry, Vaughan, if my bringing our daughter to your place irritates you and is an inconvenience. From now on, I'll be sure to schedule her into your life at appropriate times on the relevant days. Anyone else would be happy to have that extra half an hour (yeah, that's about how early I was, half an hour only) with their child.
You may have had a shitty day at work, and I concede that. You may have wanted to come home and relax, and I understand that. And I did apologize. But it's never good enough, so you know what? You can take your high and mighty "I'm so much better than you" attitude and stick it up your nose for all I care. Nothing I do will ever be right, and I guess I just have to accept that. Not once have you sent me a message saying "Thanks for coming out of your way to bring B to me, I know you're tired and you work night shift and long hours, I really do appreciate it."
No instead I get "Where's B's DS? I would've thought I wouldn't have had to remind you" oh wait, did you check the bag before you sent me that? no you didn't, but at least, for once, I got an apology for you being an absolute fucking asshole.
Try being a fulltime parent one day, and see how it feels to not be appreciated for what you do and how hard you try to be a good parent.
And then you wonder why I'm such a bitch to you.
Okay so, he's not ever going to read this, but it felt good to get it off my chest.
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