First you want them to roll over, then sit, then to crawl, talk, walk and run. You want them to learn to drink from a bottle by themselves, then a cup, get out of nappies, not wet the bed. Then one day you realise, they've grown up, and the years are flying by. It's pretty scary how quickly our kids grow up. They're running rings around you, they talk a mile a minute about eleven different subjects at once. They're asking you questions that sometimes, even though you have the answers, you just can't answer them. You see this tiny little helpless, completely dependant baby grow into a not so helpless (but sometimes hopeless!) independant little person with their own personality. As each year progresses, their tastes change, their vocabulary grows, they have new and exciting ways of getting themselves into trouble or hurt. It's all part of being a kid, and learning about the environment that they're in. I know this. You know this. We all know this - and yet, even though we wanted them to grow up and do awesome stuff like say "mum" or take their first steps, now we just want to hug them close and keep them near us as much as possible.
Grade Prep B:

Grade 1 B:

and now, introducing
Grade 2 B:

We went into her new big classroom today, met her teacher Mrs Riley, and sorted out her enrollment (oops I was meant to do that last Wednesday, but we were in Violet Town!). Then whoosh! She was off - playing in the big playground, coz she's not a Junior anymore, so she's allowed to play in the big kid's area. But she's not a big kid! She's a little kid! She's my little kid! *deny deny deny* She's not growing up, she's going to be my sweet little, loving and wonderful 7 1/2 year old forever right? Right? No really, she is. Even when she's a teenager. Yup. *denial*
I think, maybe, I should let the apron strings go a bit, don't you?
Grade Prep B:

Grade 1 B:

and now, introducing
Grade 2 B:

We went into her new big classroom today, met her teacher Mrs Riley, and sorted out her enrollment (oops I was meant to do that last Wednesday, but we were in Violet Town!). Then whoosh! She was off - playing in the big playground, coz she's not a Junior anymore, so she's allowed to play in the big kid's area. But she's not a big kid! She's a little kid! She's my little kid! *deny deny deny* She's not growing up, she's going to be my sweet little, loving and wonderful 7 1/2 year old forever right? Right? No really, she is. Even when she's a teenager. Yup. *denial*
I think, maybe, I should let the apron strings go a bit, don't you?
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