Monday, January 29, 2007

Furry Happy Monsters and a Happy Little Muppet


The past few weeks have been hectic, and yeah, that's what I always say - 90% of the time it's actually true though, the other 10% is artistic license.. well it IS my blog afterall.. and it just means that I've been lazy and haven't updated. This time round, I seriously have been busy.

Busy being happy.


*hands you all a bucket*

B's been home, and EvilMe has been on annual leave for the past 2 weeks, and domestic life settled into it's own little crazy routine. Ever noticed that when EvilMe is here, I'm less likely to be online? Well, we overcame that (somewhat) by transporting his omfg awesomely crazy cool pc here, only, I kept getting sidetracked by him sitting next to me and would start doing something, only to forget wtf it was that I'd started. I guess that's why Jay gave me this:
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Sums me up perfectly actually. What you don't realise is just now, while I was looking for that picture, I did a search for it because I couldn't find it on my harddrive, only to realise 15 minutes later that I was actually searching for it to go on my blog. Oops. I also had an icypole while I was looking, went to the toilet, emailed EvilMe, and told a stupid story on irc, all whilst completely forgetting that I was meant to be blogging. Anyhooz, back to my stories.

I went to meet EvilMe's dad and family last week. We went and stayed in a pretty little town called Violet Town, which is just under 2 hours drive from Melb, heading out to Shepparton. (If anyone didn't know this, it's where the band Killing Heidi are originally from). says that the trip is 179.8kms from my place, and it should take 1hr 54mins to get there. I made it with 9 minutes to spare. Shut up Jay, I wasn't speeding!

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I'm not sure if EvilMe noticed, but I was so fucking stressed out - would his dad like me? how bout the rest of his family? OMG drama llama right? The morning we were leaving, I felt like crap. Dunno why, because as soon as we got there, I was made to feel as if I'd been a part of the family forever. I did suffer the parental inquisition though - but that's normal. Within minutes of walking in, EvilMe's dad set himself to "Embarass my Eldest Child" mode and promptly showed me baby pics. Aww man, my boyfriend was one gorgeous little kid - which isn't surprising considering he's like omg so fucking hot now! I won't tell you what I saw, coz he'll probably read this and then strangle me, but lets just say he was really cute and I said "aww yay!" lots.

I'm not so good at sleeping at other people's houses, so the first night was really hard for me. I tossed and turned and eventually just gave up and went outside for a smoke. It's gorgeous there at night - you can actually see stars! I had the most romantic night out there, looking at the stars with EvilMe and trying to figure out their names. We're both pretty hopeless though, so there's now stars called Fred, Bob and AssButts. I can honestly say that standing out there, looking at the stars and hugging my boyfriend is one of the happiest moments of my life. It might only be a little thing, but I saw a side of EvilMe that I hadn't previously. I can't explain it, and even if I could, I don't think that I want to. It was good, leave it at that!

I got to drive a tractor.. well, really, I sat in a broken down tractor and made vroom vroom noises whilst EvilMe took pics.
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Dude, they have a tractor. Do you know how much fun it was trying to not kill myself getting off that thing? Nevermind the fact that once EvilMe had taken the photo, he wandered off while I scratched my head and went "Well, fuck me, what do I do now?" I eventually got off with little fuss. The tractor is still there and in one piece. Thank thea heavens I didn't start it up, otherwise I'd have ended up in a ditch.

B loved it there too, and didn't want to go home. She said quite plainly that she couldn't live in the country "I'm allergic to bug bites, and there's too many bugs in the country" but she loved it anyway. I think it was a combination of the fact that she got to go swimming every day we were there, EvilMe's youngest sister taking her under her wing, and not having to clean her bedroom, were all deciding factors in the "I really like it here, let's stay longer!" Unfortunately, though, we couldn't, and headed home 2 days later. It was kind of sad too, I really enjoyed being with EvilMe's family, and who knows when we'll get up there to see them again, but hopefully it won't be too far away.

On the way home, we stopped off in Puckapunyal at the Tank Museum. Coz EvilMe likes Tanks. Yep, that's the only reason we went. Coz he likes tanks and wanted to look at them. We even got our very own special little pass to get into the base at Pucka. Security is tight. Not. They let me in.

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I'll admit, I wanted to go too just because I'm a sticky beak and I guess I'll never see a real tank close up. Unfortunately (or actually, luckily) we weren't allowed to climb on the tanks (one of us.. probably me.. would've stacked head first off the side and killed themselves probably) so we don't have any "look at me I'm driving a tank" photos, but we do have a pic of B sitting inside a turret. I think it's a turret. It's that thing that they sit in and have machine guns and go ratatatatatatat blam at the enemy dudes. That's a turret right?

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I also got to meet sahm (Deanna), my LiveJournal buddy. She was OMG so much fun. We sat down at a little cafe in Fitzroy street (after numerous fuckups on my part actually getting myself out of the house!), drank coffee/tea and talked shit for a few hours. Every single one of you know what an antisocial shithead I am, so it was nice to actually get out and meet someone I talk to eleventy billion times a day on the internet. OKay, maybe not that many times a day, but still, plenty! She's even more awesome than I imagined - don't get me wrong, I always thought she WAS awesome, just actually meeting her in person.. wow. She also gives the best hugs! Come back to melbourne soon Dee so I can get another hug! Oh and, remind me, I have to tell you a funny, but that's just for between me and you!

Whilst here it doesn't sound like much has been happening, it's been full on. I got a taste of what it's going to be like when EvilMe moves in with me at the end of his lease (this is definitely going to go ahead) and he got to suffer the trauma of living with me and B - who, I might add, was actually pretty well behaved!

And, to be honest, I can't wait. Living with someone, as a partner, wasn't something I was sure I'd be able to do again, but now, I know that I can. And I can't wait.

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