Day 1:
I sit down to start cutting squares the other night. I have material. Miles and miles of different material. I have scissors. I have pins.
WTF? No one told me I needed one! So I hunt around the house. WTF? No ruler either? *dies*
I'm already at the point where I'm about to say "fuck this, I'm just going to cut giant rectangles and say they're different coloured blankets" but no. I won't let a minor thing like NOT HAVING ANYTHING TO MEASURE SQUARES WITH stop me from making my squares!
I wander into my study (heheh I have a study now lol) and I scratch my head. EvilMe is staring at me like I have two heads, but that's normal, I usually just wander into the study (heheh did I tell you I have a study now? lol) stare and wander back out. I'm weird like that. I go in for a reason and forget wtf it was, but anyway I'm getting sidetracked. So. I wander into the study, scratch my head, EvilMe stares and then goes back to playing his game, and I grab three pieces of A4 paper.
I wander back into my kitchen and pull out my trusty stickytape and stick my 3 sheets together and hey, whaddya know? I have a square!
So maybe the square's not the size I wanted. That's okay. I have plenty of material, I'll just cut more squares than I originally planned.
I start pinning the paper to the material. Holy crap, did you know that A4 paper kind of sucks as a template? Especially 3 sheets stuck together? Yeah. It does. Sigh, oh well, it's square, that's all that matters right? Right. I cut and cut and cut and cut and woohoo! I make my first two squares! Yay!
Oh wait wtf? I open up the squares, shit I'm a moron, I have a rectangle. I put the square template on the fold didn't I? Yup.
So, I now have two squares. Yippee!
Then I went to bed.
Making squares is hard work dudes!
Day 2:
So tonight (Wednesday) is "Heroes" night. I figure, I can sit infront of my TV and cut squares during the ad breaks.
And this is exactly what I did.
Oh, I also piffed the paper template. I had two blue squares. I used them as templates instead. I'm a clever muppet I am! 2 blue squares placed side by side, with material folded over, gives me another 4 squares, so yay I have 6 squares now. Then I pin them all down and woohoo! I now have um.. lots of squares.
I need 25 blue squares and 24 pink ones. This is all I know. So every time I cut material, I count my squares.

Woohoo! Blue is done, time for pink. I basically pinned 1/2 of the blue squares down onto the pink and just cut. And cut. And cut and cut and cut.
Holy fucking shit there's a lot of cutting.
My scissors are blunt now. They were brand new. I bought them especially for this project. This is what happens when you buy cheap ass shit. Grr. Oh well. I'll get them sharpened or something.
They cut all my squares, so they've done their job, right?
Maybe I'll bury them in my sewing basket.
Oh wait. I don't have a sewing basket. Oh well.
Day 3
Today, I pinned all the rows together. Well, not together, but I pinned 7 squares in alternating colours, to make 7 different rows.
Um. This blanket? It's going to be huge. I kind of realised this when I first planned it out. But seriously, this thing is going to be MASSIVE. Don't forget, there's also going to be a border around all four edges of the blanket, which will be approximately half the width of one square.
See the pile on the coffee table? That's the other 6 rows. All folded and pinned neatly together to await sewing tomorrow. Yup. I plan on starting the sewing tomorrow. I kind of realised that I screwed up the cutting of the material, but oh well. If you can see, the patters sometimes run horizontally and sometimes vertically. B won't care. I do though. But it's too late to change, coz seriously dudes, I am NOT going to recut those squares! Gah!
Yeah, that's my coffee table. See how long that row is compared to the coffee table? Oh and hello mister vaccuum. You suck. Hahahah I'm a comedian I am! Anyway, the row literally goes from one armchair on the left to the other armchair on the right.
Multiply that by 7 rows wide, and hey, I have a new carpet for my loungeroom! Uh. Blanket. For my daughter. Yeah.
I sit down to start cutting squares the other night. I have material. Miles and miles of different material. I have scissors. I have pins.
WTF? No one told me I needed one! So I hunt around the house. WTF? No ruler either? *dies*

I wander into my study (heheh I have a study now lol) and I scratch my head. EvilMe is staring at me like I have two heads, but that's normal, I usually just wander into the study (heheh did I tell you I have a study now? lol) stare and wander back out. I'm weird like that. I go in for a reason and forget wtf it was, but anyway I'm getting sidetracked. So. I wander into the study, scratch my head, EvilMe stares and then goes back to playing his game, and I grab three pieces of A4 paper.

So maybe the square's not the size I wanted. That's okay. I have plenty of material, I'll just cut more squares than I originally planned.
I start pinning the paper to the material. Holy crap, did you know that A4 paper kind of sucks as a template? Especially 3 sheets stuck together? Yeah. It does. Sigh, oh well, it's square, that's all that matters right? Right. I cut and cut and cut and cut and woohoo! I make my first two squares! Yay!

So, I now have two squares. Yippee!
Then I went to bed.
Making squares is hard work dudes!
Day 2:
So tonight (Wednesday) is "Heroes" night. I figure, I can sit infront of my TV and cut squares during the ad breaks.
And this is exactly what I did.
Oh, I also piffed the paper template. I had two blue squares. I used them as templates instead. I'm a clever muppet I am! 2 blue squares placed side by side, with material folded over, gives me another 4 squares, so yay I have 6 squares now. Then I pin them all down and woohoo! I now have um.. lots of squares.
I need 25 blue squares and 24 pink ones. This is all I know. So every time I cut material, I count my squares.

Woohoo! Blue is done, time for pink. I basically pinned 1/2 of the blue squares down onto the pink and just cut. And cut. And cut and cut and cut.
Holy fucking shit there's a lot of cutting.
My scissors are blunt now. They were brand new. I bought them especially for this project. This is what happens when you buy cheap ass shit. Grr. Oh well. I'll get them sharpened or something.
They cut all my squares, so they've done their job, right?
Maybe I'll bury them in my sewing basket.
Oh wait. I don't have a sewing basket. Oh well.
Day 3

Um. This blanket? It's going to be huge. I kind of realised this when I first planned it out. But seriously, this thing is going to be MASSIVE. Don't forget, there's also going to be a border around all four edges of the blanket, which will be approximately half the width of one square.
See the pile on the coffee table? That's the other 6 rows. All folded and pinned neatly together to await sewing tomorrow. Yup. I plan on starting the sewing tomorrow. I kind of realised that I screwed up the cutting of the material, but oh well. If you can see, the patters sometimes run horizontally and sometimes vertically. B won't care. I do though. But it's too late to change, coz seriously dudes, I am NOT going to recut those squares! Gah!
Yeah, that's my coffee table. See how long that row is compared to the coffee table? Oh and hello mister vaccuum. You suck. Hahahah I'm a comedian I am! Anyway, the row literally goes from one armchair on the left to the other armchair on the right.
Multiply that by 7 rows wide, and hey, I have a new carpet for my loungeroom! Uh. Blanket. For my daughter. Yeah.
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