So, I've been turned into the local computer fixit person and my kitchen currently looks like someone threw a handgrenade in a PC store and it exploded parts all over my house.
I fixed my friend Ann's pc last week - that was fun. Crazy ass piece of crap wouldn't even boot up. We (the EvilMe part of we and me) ended up getting it working, wiped the hard drive and reformatted the puter. Problemo Solved. Only took us 3 days to get our asses into gear and get it done, but that's only coz it was being retarded.
Anyway, so Caz asks me to have a look at her pc.
"It was working... and then it wasn't" was what she told me.
Well, usually that's a simple problem to fix, it means the power supply has blown up, easy peasy we have 10 of them at home, problem solved.
Yeah, it's never that easy. All of the power supplies that we had were older than dirt (and covered in about 40 different layers of dust that a geologist would've loved to identify the different ages they originated from.. yeah that's how old they were.. I think one of them was owned by some god, and another one was owned by a dinosaur.. anyways..)
We ended up having to stop being tightasses and go out and buy a power supply.. plugged it in.. problem solved.
While we were there EvilMe gave me puppy dog eyes. You know what I'm talking about. The ones that say "please can I have the treat now please?" He wanted a new graphics card. Sigh. I said to Thuy (that's Toy to you) the guy that works at the store "He's not allowed to talk you into selling him a new graphics card.." and that was the end of that.
So I thought!
We get into the car and stupid me says "You know, there was nothing stopping you from asking about cards.."
$270 later, we walk out of the computer store (again) and he has a shiny new card.
I'm such a sucker.
We get home, I put the power supply into Caz's box (hahah doesn't that kinda sound dirty?) and boot up the puter. Joy!
EvilMe brings his out, I install his GFX card - mind you, the whole time I'm doing it, I'm shitting bricks coz his PC is worth two of my car. Gah. No pressure though. Much. Card goes in, time to plug the power into the card, wtf? THERE'S NO PLUG FOR THE CARD!!!!
Back to the puter store and buy an adaptor to plug into the card & power supply.
I finish installing it, close the case and say "hey, do you think there might have been an adaptor in the box with the card?"
Yeah. There was. We're retards. Oh well, save it for next time.
So off he goes, happy coz he has a new card, then I hear some swearing and carrying on while he tries to get his monitors working and whatever, and meanwhile, I'm a busy little bumblebee in the kitchen giving my box an overhaul.
I stick in an Ethernet card - coz one day I might want to steal games/music/porn off EvilMe's puter, you know? and more USB ports. I cannot have enough USB ports in my pc. I think there's like 12 of them now.
Then I try to stick EvilMe's old GFX card into my box.. stupid card. It's worth as much as my car BUT IT WON'T FIT IN THE SLOT! gahhhhhhhhhhhh oh well.
Did I mention I had to unplug 2 of my 3 hard drives to plug this stupid thing in because I didn't have enough powerpoint thingy's from my power supply?
Oh well. Back in go the hard drives, and on goes the case and I leave EvilMe (who's rather happy by this time coz he has his puter working and looking very pretty too might I add?) with the instructions to plug my box in and get it back online before I get back from delivering Caz's box to her, plskthxbai!
The box gets dropped off, I hang around for a while harassing her kids and pissing her husband off, and then I come home.
Into the puter room I walk, that's always the first port of call you see, and what do I see but a giant error message on my monitor.
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I fix everyone elses shit, and screw the fuck out of my own? Goddamn where's the justice in this world?
By this time, I've cracked the sads a bit and B rings me to let me know she's having Turkish Delight IceCream for dessert at 8:30pm, so I nearly have a spaz attack - omg she's gonna end up so spoilt by the time she gets home from her Nanny's house! *dies*
I get off the phone with B and I take my pc back into the kitchen where I pull it apart, look into it, start pulling out the harddrives to see what's wrong and then I find the problem. I nearly die of stupid when I realise what I've done and why it wouldn't boot up properly. Then, I absolutely laughed my ass off when I realise what an idiot I am, and THEN, I tell EvilMe to stfu coz I know he's going to give me shit.
Are you ready for why my pc wouldn't work?
Are you sure you can handle the truth of how absolutely fucking idiotic I really am?
Okay, I guess you are.. here goes..
I forgot to plug them in.
They had no power going to them.
They weren't plugged into the motherboard, therefore the motherboard couldn't find them, therefore the motherboard thought there were no harddrives in the box.
all because..
I. Forgot. To. Plug. Them. In.
I fixed my friend Ann's pc last week - that was fun. Crazy ass piece of crap wouldn't even boot up. We (the EvilMe part of we and me) ended up getting it working, wiped the hard drive and reformatted the puter. Problemo Solved. Only took us 3 days to get our asses into gear and get it done, but that's only coz it was being retarded.
Anyway, so Caz asks me to have a look at her pc.
"It was working... and then it wasn't" was what she told me.
Well, usually that's a simple problem to fix, it means the power supply has blown up, easy peasy we have 10 of them at home, problem solved.
Yeah, it's never that easy. All of the power supplies that we had were older than dirt (and covered in about 40 different layers of dust that a geologist would've loved to identify the different ages they originated from.. yeah that's how old they were.. I think one of them was owned by some god, and another one was owned by a dinosaur.. anyways..)
We ended up having to stop being tightasses and go out and buy a power supply.. plugged it in.. problem solved.
While we were there EvilMe gave me puppy dog eyes. You know what I'm talking about. The ones that say "please can I have the treat now please?" He wanted a new graphics card. Sigh. I said to Thuy (that's Toy to you) the guy that works at the store "He's not allowed to talk you into selling him a new graphics card.." and that was the end of that.
So I thought!
We get into the car and stupid me says "You know, there was nothing stopping you from asking about cards.."
$270 later, we walk out of the computer store (again) and he has a shiny new card.
I'm such a sucker.
We get home, I put the power supply into Caz's box (hahah doesn't that kinda sound dirty?) and boot up the puter. Joy!
EvilMe brings his out, I install his GFX card - mind you, the whole time I'm doing it, I'm shitting bricks coz his PC is worth two of my car. Gah. No pressure though. Much. Card goes in, time to plug the power into the card, wtf? THERE'S NO PLUG FOR THE CARD!!!!
Back to the puter store and buy an adaptor to plug into the card & power supply.
I finish installing it, close the case and say "hey, do you think there might have been an adaptor in the box with the card?"
Yeah. There was. We're retards. Oh well, save it for next time.
So off he goes, happy coz he has a new card, then I hear some swearing and carrying on while he tries to get his monitors working and whatever, and meanwhile, I'm a busy little bumblebee in the kitchen giving my box an overhaul.
I stick in an Ethernet card - coz one day I might want to steal games/music/porn off EvilMe's puter, you know? and more USB ports. I cannot have enough USB ports in my pc. I think there's like 12 of them now.
Then I try to stick EvilMe's old GFX card into my box.. stupid card. It's worth as much as my car BUT IT WON'T FIT IN THE SLOT! gahhhhhhhhhhhh oh well.
Did I mention I had to unplug 2 of my 3 hard drives to plug this stupid thing in because I didn't have enough powerpoint thingy's from my power supply?
Oh well. Back in go the hard drives, and on goes the case and I leave EvilMe (who's rather happy by this time coz he has his puter working and looking very pretty too might I add?) with the instructions to plug my box in and get it back online before I get back from delivering Caz's box to her, plskthxbai!
The box gets dropped off, I hang around for a while harassing her kids and pissing her husband off, and then I come home.
Into the puter room I walk, that's always the first port of call you see, and what do I see but a giant error message on my monitor.
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I fix everyone elses shit, and screw the fuck out of my own? Goddamn where's the justice in this world?
By this time, I've cracked the sads a bit and B rings me to let me know she's having Turkish Delight IceCream for dessert at 8:30pm, so I nearly have a spaz attack - omg she's gonna end up so spoilt by the time she gets home from her Nanny's house! *dies*
I get off the phone with B and I take my pc back into the kitchen where I pull it apart, look into it, start pulling out the harddrives to see what's wrong and then I find the problem. I nearly die of stupid when I realise what I've done and why it wouldn't boot up properly. Then, I absolutely laughed my ass off when I realise what an idiot I am, and THEN, I tell EvilMe to stfu coz I know he's going to give me shit.
Are you ready for why my pc wouldn't work?
Are you sure you can handle the truth of how absolutely fucking idiotic I really am?
Okay, I guess you are.. here goes..
I forgot to plug them in.
They had no power going to them.
They weren't plugged into the motherboard, therefore the motherboard couldn't find them, therefore the motherboard thought there were no harddrives in the box.
all because..
I. Forgot. To. Plug. Them. In.
someone needs a hug
ahhhhhhhhhhh shaddap :p
Now THAT is funny me dear!! hilarious infact!! Glad i have you as a friend uno, constant source of amusment :P
And now you know where the term excessive air gap comes from.
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