So I have a new favorite pair of pants and they kind of look like the pair to the left.
That's me modelling them just incase you were wondering.
No really, it's me.
Oh get lost, fine, I stole the picture from a site on the internet and that's not really me - but at least one thing's true, my pants look like that. And hell, but they're comfy!!
So anyway, my comfy pants are my work pants, so of course, I wear them to work. (Actually, they're that comfy that even tho I sleep naked I'd probably wear them to bed.. Sucks to be EvilMe lol) anyhooz..
Everywhere I go, drama follows.
I had one crazy ass lady on the phone today driving me nuts. In the end I wasn't even looking at my computer I was just repeating the same shit, over and over and over again. Yeah it's good that she wants to make sure that she understands what's going on with her Credit Card, but FOR FUCKS SAKE WOMAN! One hour on the phone and I was ready to commit suicide and hang myself with my computer cables.
Okay, so you're wondering what this has to do with my pants.
It has lots to do with my pants.
See, when I'm bored, or frustrated, I fidget. I'm like an ADHD kid who hasn't had their ritalin for a week. Yeah, I'm pretty bad. Don't ever take me to the movies.. oh, back on track - So I fidget. I stood up, I pulled faces at people, I sat down. I mimed hanging myself with my headset curly cord to the amusement of the guy sitting next to me, I made puppet shows with my hands and had them talking to eachother, eventually turning them into a Punch 'n Judy festival of epic proportions, and all the while, inbetween idiocies, I played with the waist tie (it's not really a belt is it? i mean, it's sewn to the pants and all) on my pants.
Eventually, crazy lady who had to know the ins and outs of a ducks ass, hung up. I noted her account, I asked my Team Leader if I could go downstairs for a quick smoke coz crazy lady did my head in, and off I went.
My pants were feeling kind of loose, so I undid the waist tie and tightened it up.
I love these pants. Did I mention this?
Anyway, smoke's finished, back upstairs I go. I sit down..
I tightened my pants too much didn't I? So what do you think happened? That's right! As soon as I sat down, the sewing at the end of the tie came undone and yeah, I have nothing to hold my pants up with nomore.
I stand up, holding the waist of my pants and ask one of the girls if she has a safety pin.. unfortunately she doesn't.. LUCKILY she does have a little sewing kit. Sweet! Now, I have to figure out how the hell I'm going to sew my pantaloons back together and answer phones. I figure it can't be done, so I wonder how am I going to hold my pants together so I can walk to the toilets to take my pants off and sew them back together.
I have a pass to get into the building don't I?
That pass has an alligator clip type thing that holds onto my clothes.
I pin my pants together with my pass, go to my supervisor and say "I'm going to take another break, I'm really sorry, but my pants are about to fall off"
He looks at me with that "i don't really want to know" look that people give you.. you know, the look they give you when you have a booger stuck to the side of your nose coz even though you blew your nose, you wiped to the side and the booger got stuck? Yeah, that's the look he gave me.
I went into the toilets, sewed the tie back on, and went back to my desk to many lols from my co-workers. Oh well, all in a day's work. Drama averted.
The crazy lady rang back.
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