Monday, March 17, 2008

The Emu Song

B and I were talking about RHCP songs and B says "I really like the Emu Song" and I had no idea what the hell she was talking about. I thought she might've been talking about the song "Walkabout" which mentions aboriginals and boomerangs and going on a walkabout but nothing about Emus.. and then I realised that Walkabout isn't on the greatest hits cd. So I asked her to play the song for me, and so she did. Track 2, Greatest hits. Suck My Kiss.

So you might be wondering wtf? They don't sing about emus in this song. Yeah well, they don't. Unless you're 8. And then the lyrics "What I got you gotta get it put it in you" get turned into "What I got you gotta give it to an emu" and now I can't sing this song without changing the lyrics to the emu lyrics. Far out. It's one of my favorite songs, and it's been ruined.. BY HILARITY!

You know what's funny? All these years I've had the absolute omg hots for Anthony Kiedis (the singer) and now I look back and I look at the band now and realise that OH MY FUCKING GOD BUT JOHN FRUSCIANTE IS FUCKING SEX ON LEGS. OKay I'll relax now. But he is. He's hot. Oh fuck.. I need to sit my ass in a bucket of ice cold water I think and cool my hormones down. That's where they are yeah? Somewhere in the pantal region.

Okay, anyway, time for Jay's Daily Urban (Oh yeah, I should ring her mum tomorrow and see how she's doing.. someone remind me.. oh and THANKS A FUCKING LOT for reminding me to upload the videos. You're all as friggen lazy as I am, smelly buggers. Oh and I forgot to blog yesterday, thanks.. i blame you all for the heat and the blog and the yeah okay I'll shutup now..





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gee.. you've been slack lately! no post since monday! what are you doing??? jay is missing out on her daily urban! geez!